Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Healer Review

Healer (2015)

A super entertaining story with a deep background that links everything and is constantly present. That is one way of looking at this drama: objectively. What is the other way? Well, a hot story about hot Ji Chang Wook finding a purpose in life, love, justice, with action and comedy well balanced; with hot Ji Chang Wook. Did I get my point across? Of course, this is a more subjective way to look at the drama and I will tell you why.

Healer is about the night courier Seo Jung Hoo (Ji Chang Wook), who goes by the code name of “Healer”. When Jung Hoo finds a link to his past in one of his missions, he must change his rules, go undercover and even learn a thing or two about being normal, to protect what he wants.

The story line of this drama is very entertaining in many ways. First, it is action packed. And I am talking about great action that you can see the actor himself doing the fighting scenes and stunts -and that’s something I love and admire. I spent a bit – a chunk- of my time looking for special features and behind the scenes footage and it was fun to watch. Second, there was not only action, but lots of romantic moments too! I could not help to smile and get all happy seeing Seo Jung Hoo and Chae Young Shin (Park Min Young) together. Third, and to top it all, it was well balanced with comic relief. It was not a forced comedy, but you could believe the situations were funny because of the characters. 

The conflict was a bit complicated, reason why the final episode felt a bit off to me. At least to me, it was as if everything couldn’t fit in the ending. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, but it felt off in certain parts. One does feel like that when you are left with questions unanswered; like why was Jung Hoo recording himself? And why was he answering those questions? That left a big question mark in my face as I was watching. I even panicked thinking that something was going to happened or that I skiped an episode. Then there is the question of what happened to Kim Moon Sik (Park Sang Won)? I’m the kind of girl that likes clear endings, so not a big fan of open endings where I must give a lot of thought and “what if’s.” And talking about what if, where they able to catch the elder? Add that one to the question list.

Yes! Some questions were left out there, still, Healer showered us with great scenes and moments. For example, Seo Jung Hoo and Chae Young Shin’s first meeting, the stalking, being saved and doing the saving, the classic ‘sick in bed’ scene, the first date, the random dancing, and many more -truly a fun drama to watch. Tough, I must admit that I would have loved to see the new and complete pirate radio with them, since all the member were there. And by the members,  I am obviously including Jo Min Ja (Kim Mi Kyung), Kim Moon Ho (Yoo Ji Tae), and Kang Dae Yong (Taemi). This shows the great chemistry the leads had and the awesome job by the rest of the cast. I will take this moment to praise Ji Chang Wook’s acting, because his change of character was both funny and spot on. I had never like a coward and fool character as I liked his -hotness aside. I also cannot forget to point out how happy I was with Chae Young Shin’s character. She wasn’t a complete damsel in distress. I loved both his and her character development. From their backstory, their personality, their growth and their weaknesses, to simple character traits and their motivations. Two characters that were not the lead, yet stood out to me were Jo Min Ja, the hacker, and Ki Young Jae (Oh Gwang Rok), Jung Hoo’s teacher. They were weird yet funny characters; no wonder they got along so well and were really close friends.

Another reason, besides the story and the characters, why I fell in love with this drama was the original sound track. The songs were so pretty and memorable! Songs like “I will protect you” sang by Ji Chang Wook himself, “Eternal Love”, “When you hold me tight” and “You” helped create the mood beautifully and move the story along by linking out emotions with those of the characters.

I believe these are but a few of reasons why I fell in love with this hot drama. Obviously most of this is sole personal and fangirl opinion -I did point it out at the beginning. Still, it is true that Healer gave a hot, fresh, funny and emotional story with great visuals, characters, interactions and music. Did I mention Ji Chang Wook appears in this drama?!

My rating for this drama is: ♥♥♥

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