Monday, January 2, 2017

Pinocchio Review

Pinocchio (2014) 

It’s not every time you hear a cartoon name and you relate it to a drama. But the drama sure got the name for its story! Just imagine if it were real. Ask yourself “what would happen if we lived in a world where the Pinocchio Syndrome was real? Having people unable to lie because they would hiccup whenever they did. Conversations would be interesting; heck, life would be interesting. And that’s just what this drama offers: an interesting and cleverly written story -with gorgeous Lee Jong Suk as Ki Ha Myeong/ Choi Dal Po, and Park Shin Hye as Choi In Ha.
 Pinocchio tells the story of Choi In Ha, a girl with the Pinocchio Syndrome, and her struggle at becoming the first ever reporter with such condition. While doing so, adopted uncle Choi Dal Po joins in to help her reach her dream, only to discover the dirty truth of his past. As reporters, these two will have to face the real world of media coverage, face their family, and face love.

Writer Park Hye Ryun did at great job at giving us a unique situation. I am going to be honest, without the addition of the Pinocchio Syndrome, this story would have been just another one. But the characters had well developed backgrounds, traits and personalities. Dal Po is this guy that you would think is the stupidest person alive just to be proven wrong by getting the highest test score in the whole school. In Ha is this tough girl with the inability to lie because of her ridiculously sad Pinocchio Syndrome; and they are both followed by unfortunate pasts. Seo Bum Jo (Kim Young Kwang) gets to be mama’s boy turned men, and so on. The writer truly gave importance not only to the leading characters but also to their environment and the secondary characters. Of course, I can’t move on to the quality of the production without mentioning the great chemistry Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk projected. I have come to think that it is Lee Jong Suk’s charm that allows him to have great on screen chemistry with any actress. Don’t get me wrong, Park Shin Hye is not any actress, but this happens in every drama of his that I have seen.
And I know I was not the only one who appreciated Dal Po and In Ha’s cute and dorky moments together. They brought an element of sweet comedy and light air in between hectic situations. Even the relationship between Jang Hyun Gyu (Min Sung Wook) and Im Jae Hwan ((Choo Soo Hyun) grew as a cute and funny side story. Another interesting relationship was that of Yoon Yoo Rae (Lee Yoo Bi) and Hwang Gyo Dong (Lee Pil Mo), though this one is amusing because it’s a sunbae-hoobae thing -at the beginning that is hahaha! The thing is that it’s cute; they ALL are.
As I mentioned, the writer payed great attention to the environment of the leads. The setting played an important role in this drama. First off, how the two news buildings where next to each other. This gave lots of chances for feisty interactions between the reporters. Second, the circumstances in which Dal Po meets Ki Jae Myeong (Yoo Gyun Sang). Once Jae Myeong came into the picture, I was waiting to see how Dal Po would handle it. And third, how Ki Ha Myeong ends up living with In Ha as Choi Dal Po when he was a kid. I know the Pinocchio Syndrome was not something realistic, but In Ha’s grandfather’ situation was stretching it a bit. Just as the setting and location was well managed, so was the action, conflict and script. I will point out how these “reporters” felt and were more than just reporters; they were like detectives. The fast pace in investigating and the dialogues made it pleasing and fun to watch; always giving us something new in every episode. And although the presence of vengeance in the conflict is familiar -not something new- the way the story developed with its plot twists was clever.

The ending was well done, though I wasn’t sure if prolonging the news of Dal Po and In Ha’s relationship to the grandfather was something necessary. It just made it awkward for me. [SPOILER: Yes, the old man did think of Dal Po as In Ha’s uncle, but he knew they weren’t related, so why all the fuzz if in the end he agree to them being together? END OF SPOILER] Aside from this, I found that only the necessary situations were presented; no pesky side story was inserted. There was only one focus from the very beginning and it was much appreciated. Just as I was happy and thankful for the beautiful, memorable and catchy original soundtrack. With songs like “Pinocchio” by Roy Kim; “Nonfiction” “Challenge” and “My Story” by Every Single Day; “Only Person” by K. Will; “Kiss Me” by Zion. T; “Passionate to Me” by Younha; “You’re The One” by Kim Bo Kyung; and “Love Is Like a Snow” by Park Shin Hye herself you can’t go wrong, all the emotions are present and they all set the mood perfectly. I mean, that’s the entire album right there! I truly believe Pinocchio’s ost is underrated.

Thankfully the drama was a success! A well written and directed story that brought laughter and tears to my eyes. Besides Park Shin Hye’s way of kissing, I wouldn’t change anything about it. So if you don’t mind that, dive into this spring-feel drama -I highly recommend it!

My rating for this drama is: ♥♥♥

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